Hours and Vacation days Closed June/July 2022
The Wyatt Violin Shop will be
Closed for Vacation
through the week of July 16th
(We will be giving our employees and our staff a much needed vacation).
Hours by Appointment:
Tuesday - Saturday
*Please see our online calendar to BOOK AN APPOINTMENT and for our current availability.
T-F 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
Closed Sundays and Mondays
We are fully stocked with Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, and all your rental needs.
We encourage you to Reserve your Rental instrument early and pickup anytime before the start of school.
Visit our Appointments Page on the web to schedule a “New Rental Fitting”
(fill out rental information and schedule a time that works for you, to visit us).
Regarding Masks?
Jackson County has a mask optional policy, however, with the rise in COVID cases in Missouri we encourage wearing one when visiting the shop. They are available when you enter the shop, however, this is YOUR choice.
You may see some of our staff wearing masks. This is out of an abundance of caution and personal choice.
Update to hours until the 15th of July 2021
If you currently have an appointment set– you are still on our schedule, and we will see you at the scheduled time.
For any other service please:
Text or call us at 816-252-5656; or,
Visit our website, to:
-Learn more about our services
-Rental options and complete a Rental Application Form
And for instrument or bow shopping, please fill out our Appointment form to setup an appointment.
Wyatt Violin Operational hours for 2021 -
We will be reopening the week of January 12th, 2021
Your Health is Important to Us!
We are currently operating by private appointment only, and are maintaining a strict building capacity per county guidelines.
No walk-ins are accepted until further notice.
Tue - Saturday
Closed on Sunday & Monday
Curbside appointments are available for rentals and repairs.
For rental returns and exchanges, schedule an appointment here.
For repair evaluations, schedule an appointment here.
For instrument sales, schedule an In-Store Shopping Appointment here.
Clients will be asked to call when they arrive and to wait in their cars for their appointment.
Face masks are required while on the premises and non-contact temperature checks will be required upon entry.
Thank you for your understanding!
In order to provide the high level of service you have come to expect, we require making an appointment to help us prepare for your visit and take care of your needs promptly and efficiently.
Thank you!
Text Us for Fast responses!
Holiday Hours Update
Wyatt Violin Holiday Hours Update:
In observance of the Holiday, Wyatt Violin's will be closed December 24th and will reopen the week of January 5th, 2020. (***We will keep a close eye on Jackson County guidelines regarding Safety and it is possible we will be delaying opening until the 12th)
We will send out an email blast, post to our social media, as well as our blog with updates.
We can be reached during the Holiday break at 816-252-5656 by Text message or please visit our website and complete one of our Contact/Appointment forms.
Have a safe and joyful holiday season!
The Wyatt's
COVID Curbside Service and updates, May 2020
May 19, 2020
UPDATE On COVID-19 Preparedness and the Wyatt Violin Shop.
In response to the guidelines set forth by the State of Missouri and Jackson County, we feel we need to let everyone know that our projected “roll-out” of “Phase I” will be revisited by us the end of May or beginning of June. We are communicating with musicians and area teachers to be able to advise you and serve you the best we can while keeping everyone safe!
““The Wyatt Violin Shop Now Offers
Curbside Services by Appointment”
Tuesday - Friday 1-4pm
Saturday 1-3pm”
This post contains the latest updates about the guidelines for Jackson County regarding the COVID-19 preparedness plan and how it compares to our current Wyatt Violin preparedness plan.
The safety of our staff and customers is our priority. Our staff is small and in order to meet and exceed the guidelines set forth by Jackson County, our hours and business practices will be set as follows:
• Our goal is to be open to In-Store clients asap. Our current hours are listed above and we plan to expand those hours when we are safely able to open In-Store sales appointments.
• Appointment Only for Rentals and Repairs – with curbside pick-up/drop at this time. We will make every effort to serve your needs, while keeping employees and customers safe.
• Social distancing will be maintained by customers and staff at all times, as will preventative measures including masks, hand sanitizer and gloves where appropriate.
Please call ahead at 816-252-5656 or fill out our Appointment Request form to make arrangements. We are doing our best to meet your needs with our “Curbside Services”.
Watch our website for the roll out of our Online Store. Use it to purchase accessories, instruments and even select rental instruments – and schedule curbside pick-up and drop-offs. We are also working on a website devoted to making an online rental process easy for you. With curbside/in store Pickup, Local Deliveries, Shipping, and more.
As we develop these systems, we hope you understand that our decision to open the shop back up to In-Store clients is dependent on the safety of our staff and you with regard to COVID precautions. We are constantly monitoring the situation and are in touch with local schools. We are waiting to hear, as many of you are, when (and if) schools will open back up in the fall. We thank you for your understanding.
For Instrument & Bow Sales appointments, please fill out our Appointment Request Form. (Sales appointments Curbside, on a Case-by-case basis)
Curbside pickup and dropoff service is available for:
All Items available for purchase.
Instrument & Bow Repairs
Bow Rehairs
New Rentals
Rental Exchange or Sizeup
Rental Checkup
Warranty Repairs
Instrument and Bow Trials
(available but limited)
Again, one of our biggest aspects of focus currently is on launching our commerce store, and getting a form on the website that makes renting a new instrument as easy as it can be for you! (And SAFE)
The Team at the Wyatt Violin Shop
Wyatt Violin Shop
2418 East R.D. Mize Road
Independence, MO 64057
Phone: 816-252-5656 Shop
816-721-5649 Cell Contact (Text)
Email: mail@wyattviolin.com
Website: www.wyattviolin.com
More Updates regarding the Corona Virus
Extended Social Distancing Protocols til May 15th
Last Thursday (April 16th), Jackson County extended the Stay-at-Home order until May 15. Like the previous order, the new order requires people to stay-at-home except for doing essential activities, such as grocery shopping. Non-essential businesses will remain closed.
We are working hard to develop things like Curb-Side pickup and Drop-off. Currently, we are helping in anyway we can while practicing Social Distancing and following the orders of Jackson county fro “non-essential” businesses. We will be rolling out some exiting new ways to facilitate our ability to support and help our community of musicians, teachers, students, and family and friends.
We are thinking of all of you and please feel free to reach out. We are monitoring emails and the telephone from home.
You can ring us at 816-252-5656 or simply update your payment information with the secure link below.
Click Here to Update your Billing Information
For any other Rental or Installment related questions
Or ring us
(816) 252-5656
How do I sanitize my instrument or bow?
Wyatt Violin Shop COVID-19 Updates
“Hello, Wyatt Family,
I have heard a variety of ways to sanitize string instruments, but I was wondering if you could share with me how you sanitize your instruments in your shop? What is safe to wipe on the instrument’s neck/fingerboard? Thank you in advance for your help!”
The Question above is one of many we are getting from musicians, local teachers, and others. Below is our attempt to suggest some answers. The best thing you can do, really, is -Be Responsible: Do not lend your instrument to others unless absolutely necessary. The less the instrument is handled and away from your control, the less it is exposed to possible contamination.
Cleaning Orchestral Instruments for Virus/Bacteria
Cleaning your instrument takes on a whole new meaning during the COVID-19 health concerns. The following information is designed to explain and clarify what we can about this process.
I. You should always use your cleaning cloth every day to remove rosin, hand prints, and dust from strings, chin rest, fingerboard, and the surface of the instrument.
-Also, wipe down the bow with the cloth.
-Vacuum your case to remove dust and rosin chips.
The above tips are recommended on a regular basis. However, while we are doing all we can to protect ourselves and others from spreading the COVID-19 virus – consider doing extra to provide even more protection.
II. To enhance your cleaning process, add a cleaning agent that contains ingredients that help to kill viruses and bacteria.
A. What to use: Rubbing Alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol 70%). Apply with small cotton cloths very sparingly. Make the cloth damp but not dripping wet.
Alcohol wipes are another option. They are available in most cleaning supply stores, and will provide a cloth that is less likely to drip. (Cover your instrument and all varnish areas to protect from any drips etc.)
B. The Process: Fold the dampened cloth to make sure you focus only on the parts described below.
Alcohol when applied properly can help kill viruses and bacteria, but Alcohol can damage the varnish on fragile instruments.
Use the Alcohol ONLY ON:
-The chin rest, and shoulder rest
-Strings – also helps to remove rosin. Wipe carefully along the whole string.
-Pegs – the end part used to turn the peg.
-Neck (that part of the neck you touch while playing)
Step 2 – THE BOW
A. What to Use:
Alcohol (as described in Step 1)
B. The Process: Apply as follows:
-Wood Bows: use the alcohol on the frog and the grip only. Use your regular cleaning cloth (Dry – no alcohol on the cloth) to wipe down the stick. Some bows react differently to any solvents on the wood.
-Carbon, composite or fiberglass bows: use the alcohol on the frog and the stick. Be careful to not touch the hair with the alcohol and use alcohol sparingly.
Step 3 – THE CASE
A. What to use: Alcohol (as described in Step 1); for case surfaces you can also use Clorox wipes effectively. Lysol spray may also be used for case surfaces.
B. The Process: Apply as follows:
-Wipe the handle and latch, bow holders, inside compartment handles and any other place you touch regularly with the alcohol or Clorox wipes.
-Use the cloth to wipe down the exterior of the case.
-Lysol spray can be used – sparingly to sanitize larger areas inside the case. Make sure to remove the bow and instrument while doing this step. Allow the case to dry and vacuum the inside before placing the bow and instrument back into the case.
In addition to cleaning your instrument, bow and case:
-Good Hygiene: We recommend that you wash your hands with soap and/or use hand sanitizer before touching your case, bow or instruments. Do this regularly and the need to sanitize the instrument is greatly reduced.
-The Instrument: While holding the instrument, try not to touch the varnish. Hold the instrument by the neck with one hand. Only touch the chin rest, shoulder rest, and pegs (all can be wiped down with the alcohol later when you clean it). Use the “dry” cleaning cloth on the varnish and refresh the cloth regularly (most cloths are machine washable).
-The Bow: While handling the bow, try to limit your handling to the frog and the grip. Never touch the hair; and always hold the bow by the frog and grip – not by the stick.
-The Case: Never set the case on the floor. Viruses and Bacteria is tracked on the floor with shoes. Sitting the case on the floor can contaminate the case. Keep the case clean and dry. Follow cleaning tips in the Step 3 above.
-Be Responsible: Do not lend your instrument to others unless absolutely necessary. The less the instrument is handled and away from your control, the less it is exposed to possible contamination.
We look forward to the day that virus spread is under control. Our thanks to teachers and students for working together on this issue.
and follow recommendations from our local governments and the CDC!
*These tips are distributed with the best intention to aid in the effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. We want you to be safe. The tips are meant to be a temporary solution and normal cleaning and instrument care will be sufficient for the long-term future - after the virus spread is contained. Improper application of the methods described above may cause damage or void warranty terms. 04/20/20
To Our Customers regarding COVID-19 and how to purchase and tips
Updates from Wyatt Violin regarding COVID-19
To Our Customers:
In compliance with the Kansas City area Stay-At-Home order, the Wyatt Violin Shop is temporarily closed to in-store visitors. We will maintain in contact with our customers via phone messages (816-252-5656); email mail@wyattviolin.com; and our website www.wyattviolin.com.
For certain services, we will be able to provide curbside pickup and drop offs. Please check with us for availability. We will also be implementing an online store, or at least an expanded online catalog, with options for purchasing our products.
We want you know that that we are here for you, as always, to support and assist you in your pursuit of music.
Please check our website, www.wyattviolin.com, for progress. If there are any products, strings or accessories you need from our shop that are not currently available on our online store, please email us at mail@wyattviolin.com and we can fulfill your order through email.
Unfortunately, until further notice, we are not accepting instrument or bow repairs or rehairs while the shop is closed.
Fine Instruments for Examination and Trial
The Wyatt Violin Shop offers the most extensive catalog of fine bows, violins, violas and cellos in the mid-west, crafted by modern and old-world masters.
While we are temporarily closed, we still offer trials for examining fine instruments and bows to qualified buyers by way of shipping for our-of-area customers; or, curbside pickup for local customers.
If you are interested in seeing an instrument or bow, simply press the “Make an Appointment” button on the website, fill out the form specifying that you are interested in trying an instrument or bow. List a contact phone number and we will respond as soon as possible to work out a plan to meet your needs.
Please be assured that best practices of sanitation and safe handling are being observed while fulfilling your orders. This has always been the case.
Our first priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers and staff.
Please remember, however, that players utilizing alcohol-based hand sanitizers should not handle instruments. Wipes, chemical cleaners and disinfectants should not be used on instruments.
We look forward to better times and our primary concern is to do our part to keep our employees and all our customers safe! We will continue to update you with innovations and plans to continue to serve your musical needs.